I am super excited to be a part of this local event being put on right here in Austin, TX. It's the annual Beyond The Lights Celebrity Golf Classic. My husband is going to be golfing (didn't take too much twisting of his arm since he eats, sleeps and breathes the sport :) and I will be donating a gift certificate for my store to be part of the silent auction the night of the big party. I've seen a list of some of the items to be donated, looks like it's going to be a FUN night with all kinds of items to bid on both in a silent and live auction format with the proceeds going to charity. If you are a local business or organization and are interested in sponsoring a hole, donating a gift certificate or an item? It's not too late! If you want to sign up to golf, they have some spots open. Along with the popular Friday Nights Lights guys, they have verbal commitments from both Tony Romo and Roy Williams to come out and swing their clubs and Mack Brown to attend the pairings party.
The success of the tournament relies on the generosity of community leaders, businesses and caring individuals. Without the assistance of Gridiron Heroes and the Buoniconti Fund, many of those paralyzed would have little hope. Do you Twitter or have a Facebook business page? Please share the information so we can make this years tournament a huge success!
For additional information, please feel free to visit the website, you can email me at lateedakids@gmail.com or call 512-266-0643 and find out how you can help. Let's Pay it Forward and have some fun while we're at it! If you've never been to the Hyatt Lost Pines Resort, this would be a great time to check it out. They will have plenty to do for the entire family. Bring them all!
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