This wrap is beyond special to me. I tend to be one of those wordy folks who can go on forever. Verbal explosion if you will!!! Ask my husband, my kids, sister, family members, any of my friends...... I'm a chatter! As I start to write this post I just keep going back and hitting the delete key, the words aren't coming. To the ones who inspired this, thank you for the shining examples you are. Zachary, I'll never forget you. I collaborated with my good friend Cathy from Cathy B Design. Cathy is talented beyond words. The kind who listens, holds eye contact and then just interprets your words into art. I can't thank her enough for sharing her gift.
Whatever your reasons may be, these would be a wonderful gift. Maybe someone is going through a tough time in their life, maybe you just want to reach across the miles that separate you from a loved one with a sentimental gift or just a kind token for one of your girlfriends. Throwing a little love someone's way is sure to add a smile to their day. This wrap is so incredibly soft done in a creamy white pima cotton. They fold up to almost nothing so can easily fit inside a small purse and perfect to have on hand when you need something light to take the chill off. Wear it out, everyday or over your workout clothes after you've had a good sweat. A nice versatile item sure to make someone feel special.
Special thank you to Cathy for helping to create the graphic, Lisa George for taking photos for this project, Brandi for her gorgeous smile and of course Michelle for getting us clearance to come into the Lake Austin Spa.