Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a joyous close to 2011 and is excited for the New Year and all those new plans and adventures for 2012. This is one of my favorite images to start a new year. Wash away the old and look at the beautiful new year ahead!

I've gotten so many emails from friends that someone in their house got a new sewing machine for Christmas. I love hearing that, love knowing that the sewing craft is coming back full steam. I've been asked so many questions on what is a great starter machine, what all do you need to get started, will I hold a small class, how do you thread this darn machine and wind that bobbin (that is always a personal fave) where can a person take classes etc! Honestly, once you figure out how to thread your machine you have conquered the part that holds so many people back. Well, I found this post on Make it Love it that really sums things up. This is an excellent site to dig around in. When you want to get started, just jump in. Don't read so much you feel bound inside a box on how to do things. Read and learn enough to get going and then experiment.

There are so many projects you can do by just learning a basic straight stitch. Really, you can go on for days making different things. Just like she says in her blog post, just keep pressing forward, don't worry about a line that's not perfectly straight or some bunched up bobbin thread, it really just comes with time and a bit of practice. No one else sees that, they are truly excited for what you are making, not caught up in the inspection of how perfect it is!

Once you get past practicing some different stitches, try tackling a small project. My pillowcase tutorial would be an excellent place to start, or you might want to try the camera strap cover tutorial. Both of these are fairly quick projects and I've found those are the best to start out with. There is something that is really satisfying about seeing your finished project the same day. It'll keep you motivated to keep going and to try new things. I love hearing about the different projects people are working on and if I can help, please shoot me a note. My ebook patterns are great for the beginner. Most of these are using techniques that even a beginner sewer can tackle.
Sew.......welcome to 2012 and stay tuned for alot more things from us and tutorials on the blog. As always, we love when you share our Etsy site and blog with others. Have something you'd love to see a tutorial on? Please drop me a line and happy crafting!

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