Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I wish I wore Wednesday

So it seems like Wednesdays in blog land are all about what we wore. Hhhhmmm, okay, I'll play but I'm just going to have to change it up a bit. Here's my what I wish I wore this Wednesday outfit.

Oh how I love white pants and I love Pinterest. I've been known to shop as if I wear white pants, white shorts or white skirts every day of my life. When picking out tops, I've said many a time, "This would look so cute with some white pants." Well this is no exception, I loved this outfit the second I laid eyes on it. Such a classic look. I hotlinked it just in case you love it like me and want to repin! I love white pants, love the grey added in for contrast and then adore the necklace and yellow jacket to brighten and liven it up. Of course, can't overlook the belt and bag. Nothing too fussy, just classic pieces to love. perfection! I'm convinced Pinterest is going to help me become better dressed each and every day. My pinboard says that :) I admit, I'm wearing more jewelry, not forgetting that the accessories can often make the outfit. It's like adding sparkle. I tend to lean towards comfort, a jeans and t-shirt kind of a girl. Hhhhm, we'll just have to see if next week I don't step things up. For now, here's what I wish I wore.

1 comment:

  1. Sooo fantastic! I love that mix of colors as well. Keep up the cute pinning!
