Thursday, May 20, 2010

Auctions for Susana

Another online fundraiser to help a little girl who's fighting the good fight each and every day. All across the country, I know people are praying her name. Susana is a precious 4-year-old girl who was diagnosed with neuroblastoma on April 21, 2010, which is an aggressive cancer that has already spread to her bones, liver, chest and spine. Many people in the indie design community have all donated to help this family as they charge forward through this. I've started following her families journies, their entries on Susana and their missionary efforts. I'm humbled and inspired by these amazing and faithful people. You can find a list of items being donated here and they will go live tonight on ebay for 10 days. I've donated my Summer Bloom knot dress shown in todays blog entry. When the links are all active, I'll link them on facebook :-)

1 comment:

  1. Debbie, thank you for sharing this! I will definitely be bidding on items!! (FFF)
