Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tanya Whelan is all kinds of awesome

The average person might respond, "and who exactly is that?" Well, in my world, she happens to be the brains behind the fabric designs that are always amongst my faves when choosing! I submitted some of my designs using her latest collection and she's got them up on her blog right now, check 'em out HERE. It was a great feeling to see the girls and my designs on her page. I truly love what I do, now just crossing my fingers the CPSIA doesn't mess it all up. If you haven't heard of the new legislation. I won't bore you with details. You can click and read if ya like and even go one step further and complain to your congressman like I and millions of others have!

I am just focusing on today for now. It's all that's within my control and accepting orders as they come in. I did a different version for a customer the other day in Tanya's fabric. I adore how it came out, take a peek HERE. This little girl who will get this set turns 2 on Valentine's Day. Her mom and Dad decided on a set I've made but we did it in blue. I can't wait to see her wearing it! I love when you send me your ideas and we get to collaborate on an outfit. It makes it that much more fun! If you'd like to join my mailing list, you can find it in the right hand column of my blog. Join today and I will maintain contact with my list members moving forward. Bravenet will send you a confirmation email to ensure you haven't been randomly added to the list. You MUST click this or you have not joined. Don't see it? check your spam folder, it's probably there. I've even got a little incentive, a GIVEAWAY! My dear friend Amy of Hill Country Charm on Etsy makes these gorgeous necklaces. The kind that are special and always have people stop and ask you about it. Yep, we're gonna give one away so sign up :) I've got more giveaways planned down the road as well so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I am so with you on CPSIA, what up with that? and thank you for the kind words!
