Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Clean Eating Pan Seared Tilapia Fish Tacos

I must start eating better! We all say that to ourselves at one point or another right? I consider myself a pretty good eater but just like anyone else, the older I get, the better I need to be. My girlfriend sent me this link so I could calculate how many calories I should take in a day based on my age and activity level and what weight I'd like to maintain. I exercise pretty regularly and it still only gave me 1500 calories a day. Really??? Actually it gave me 1477 but I'm a girl who likes round #'s. Okay, I'll try.

My biggest challenge is that my hubby is on the road a few days a week each week and those end up being cheat days on top of my weekend cheat days because I graze on kid style food. My kids don't appreciate meals that have lots of fresh ingredients and they certainly aren't impressed that it's a clean eating meal! They are pretty simplistic and are satisfied with a cheese quesadilla and some fresh fruit or something along those lines. I on the other hand crave texture, lots of spice, don't like to spend a ton of time in the kitchen and hate excessive waste which happens when you are cooking for 1 adult. The dinner I've been making lately is easy to make for one person, packed with flavor, texture and satisfying. Best part, light on calories!!! Have you ever tried fish tacos? Well you should...read on! Delicious and so quick to put together. This recipe is made for 1 but just adjust as needed.

Pan Seared Tilapia Fish Tacos

■ 6 oz Tilapia filet (this is a single person serving, adjust accordingly)

■ Old Bay Seasoning

■ 2 corn tortillas

■ 1 small avocado

■ 1 Tablespoon Slow Burn creamy jalapeno dip (photo'd below)

■ Angel Hair coleslaw

■ Pico de Gallo

■ Salsa (optional)

■ 1 lime

■ diced cilantro (optional)

Season each side of your filet with the Old Bay Seasoning. Heat some olive oil in a pan and then sear on each side for about 2 1/2- 3 1/2 minutes on each side depending on how thick your filet is. It will be white and flake easily when done.

Above is the creamy Jalapeno slow burn sauce we use. You can hunt your own local grocery stores and probably find something similar.

As you are cooking the fish, prep your other items. Slice you avocado into slivers so they're ready to go. Cut your lime into quarters.

Heat 2 corn tortillas so they are warm. Take your cooked fish, divide into 2 equal parts onto the tortillas and then just start layering on your goodies. I usually layer fish first and then the cole slaw. Drizzle half the creamy sauce onto each taco so it's all through the coleslaw. Top with the pico de gallo and then salsa if you like. I prefer the chunks of the pico de gallo so that's usually all I use but my husband likes lots of fresh salsa added to his as well. Add a healthy slice of avocado, squeeze some lime juice over your taco for a nice citrusy flavor and finish off with some diced cilantro as an option. Enjoy!

I've tallied the calories on this and am happy to report, if you stick to using the corn tortillas that are 110 calories for 2 tortillas and you pan sear, NOT FRY, your fish, you will come in at about 200 calories a taco....and yes, that includes avocado.

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