Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Brand new Strength set on Etsy
I had so much fun making this set and doing something a bit different adding a screen printed tee to go with this full twirly skirt. As the mother of young girls, I hope that I do a great job teaching them strength in their younger years before I send them out into this big crazy world. Strength of the mind, body and soul! This seemed like the appropriate compliment to these fun karate girls on this fabric. You can find this on Etsy now. Tank is a soft pink color and the skirt has lots of bright jewel tones to the fabric. Just click on the picture if you'd like to see it enlarged.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Getting closer to ready!!!
Hard to believe as the temps are getting in the 90's that one could possibly be thinking about Fall/Winter but that's how it works in the clothing world. As I get closer to the date that photos are due for Austin Fashion Week, I thought I'd just throw out a quick peek at some pieces that I hope to be able to share photos of very soon! As timelines were shrunk, I wasn't sure we'd get to this point but I think we'll pull it off. It's taken a village and I am so fortunate to have a village full of wonderful folks that helped me along the way. Thank you to all the wonderful people who have helped me to pull this off!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Austin Fashion Week
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Jenean Morrison sneak peeks Picnic Parade from Free Spirit
A few months back, I had the pleasure of crossing paths on this great information highway with Jenean Morrison. She is one of Free Spirit's ever so talented fabric designers and is about ready to launch her 2nd line of fabric, Picnic Parade. I was asked to make some sample pieces for her to take to quilt market that is coming up in PA where she'll be decorating her booth with all kinds of fun things made by various people with her new bright and vibrant line of fabrics. The fabric is coming out soon, here's just a few sneak peeks and she'll unveil the rest on her own blog and at quilt market! Best of luck Jenean, you've been very inspiring to work with and wishing much success for your fabrics!